What is SEO ?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, It is the process through which an individual website can rank high on the search engine . It is also used for generating the traffic on the websites .
Search Engine Optimization is the important part of internet marketing because searching is the first step for an individual to do on the web. An individual can search through various search engines such as:- google , Yahoo , Baidu and Yandex . Most of the traffic comes on websites from search engines and it is known as organic traffic .

Types of SEO
Mainly three types of SEO are there for making an SEO based strategy. By these three types of category the organisation can achieve their target in an efficient and effective manner. These three type of category are
- On- page SEO
- Off- page SEO
- Technical SEO
In this paragraph we can discuss all these types of SEO in detail .
- On- page SEO
The On- page SEO works on the content of your website .
On-page SEO helps in optimizing a page on the website of an
individual . It can assist search engines in understand the topic of the
contain and search that website is having an valuable contain that the
people want to search .
This type of SEO includes :-
- Keyword research :- always find the best keyword that are
directly target to the page of contain.
- Contain creation :- always published valuable and high
quality contain and focus on targeted keywords.
- Keyword optimization :- Use the target keyword in right
place and apply good meta tag SEO.
- Off- page SEO
Off- page SEO is the strategy through which an website gets the
strength from other websites .
It helps to increase the reputation and authority of websites .By
Off- page SEO the search engine and find the ideal website for the
search result because it is a trusted source .
It includes:-
- high quality backlinks :- backlink refers to the term by which an individual can enhance the reputation of the website by creating a link on the competitor website . example , comment on competitor blog , directory submission, etc .
- Link Building :- it is the process by which you can link with other
Competitor website for higher ranking on google .
- Guest posting :- posting an blog on other competitor website for
for generating traffic on your website.
These are some techniques by which you can do off- page SEO .
- Technical SEO
The Technical SEO involves the non content element of your website.
It helps to improve the site backend structure and foundation . I maintain the reliability of your website . These SEO provide search engines the way by which it can crawl and give user experience . It is
also important for reader perspective also , it can also affect the overall traffic of the website .
These SEO include the several type :-
- Site speed
- Mobile- friendliness
- Indexing
- Crawling
- Site architecture
- Structured data
- Security
The Technical SEO is the term by which you can create an actual traffic on your website.
Characteristic of SEO
There are several features of SEO available out of which some of them are explained here . Make sure that you remember these points in mind before publishing the blog .
- Accurate contain :- the contain should be correct , make sure that the contain you write it must be right and meaningful , because if write wrong contain it will definitely decrease rank of the page .
- High Quality contain :- it is an important feature of SEO, because the quality of the contain is important . If anyone tells you that keyword density or anything else is important then it is wrong because it comes after that quality because the quality contains the traffic on your website . always make the high quality contain it really very important .
- Check Grammar :- before publishing your blog, always check the grammatical mistake and misspelling of your blog because google can detect the grammatical error and think that your site isn’t good at all.
- Reality of the contain:- if your contain is not real , your SEO efforts are become west , do not copy the content from other website , take as an example make your own blog
- Keyword density :- use keywords in your blog because search engines can search the article through keyword research . Always use keywords in a limit. It will also reduce the rank of the page .
I hope this blog fulfills your want and use strategy for your SEO promotion.